Tuesday 26 July 2011

My Heroes

For my son's 12th birthday me and his dad took him to Alton Towers amusement park.  It was a fun packed, stomach churning day.  My two brave boys went on Oblivion - I held the coats :) 

Life's a beach

I took this picture on New Brighton beach in Merseyside.  In the middle, if you look very closely, you can see my mum and my nephew.  The panoramic effect is done with a clever iPhone app.


I really loved this card when I made it with solid coloured Bazzill card so I thought I'd have a go using patterned papers - I think it looks really good, I much prefer this to my original attempt.  The papers are from Basic Grey's Lemonade collection (6x6 pad).  I stamped the phrase using alphabet stamps and brown ink on Sour Apple Bazzill card. The cut is from Cricut's Country Life cartridge. 

Rock n Roll, baby!

These cards are made from the Rock Princess Cricut cartridge.  I am really liking the cutesy look but with attitude - cherry skulls, OMG -  I'm in love. 

The characters on this cartridge work well as shaped cards.

Even this sweet little strawberry card was made with a cut from the Rock Princess cartridge.
Suzel has left the building :)